Feline Grooming At It’s Best!


Afford your cat the luxury of this royal treatment, one that makes it feel both great and special. Your cat stays happy and clean while keeping your castle cleaner too. No more greasy, smelly, dirty, or matted kitty.  Enjoy a clean, soft, fluffy, and good-smelling cat. A groomed cat is a very happy kitty!

In order to achieve excellent results great products are required. This is why I use the finest show quality products on your cat. A high quality natural degreasing shampoo made from a unique blend of 12 essential oils which removes the oil from their coat and moisturizes their skin at the same time. A finishing cologne mist made specifically for cats which gives their coat shine and a wonderful sweet bay rum smell with cinnamon and clove.

You can rest assure your royal highness is in good hands by hiring a Certified Feline Master Groomer. Through Colorado Cat Grooming you get a professional cat groomer who is certified, adores cats, and will treat your precious kitty with the love and respect it deserves!

(Copyright 2014-2021 Colorado Cat Grooming All Rights Reserved.

Now accepting some new customers for this Winter 2021!